Jessica Dore,
Howard Brockman - author of, Dynamic Energetic Healing
Deb Dana and Stephen Porges - author of, polyvagal theory in therapy
Bernardo Kastrup - author of, Why materialism is baloney
Russ Harris - author of, The Happiness Trap
Michael Harner - author of, The cave and the Cosmos
Liz Greene - author of, The mythic journey
C G Jung,
Gwyneth Moss, - EFT trainer
Dick Schwartz - author of, Internal Family Systems Therapy
Nancy Sowell, - IFS trainer
Richard Bennett, - ACT trainer
Patrick Harpur - author of, The philosopher’s secret fire
Daniel Schuster - mediumship trainer
Laurel Parnell - author of, Attachment focussed EMDR
Lisa Marchiano - author of, Motherhood
Gillian Allnutt, - poet and creative writing tutor
Scott D Miller - author of, The Heroic Client,
Helen Joyce - author of, Trans
Michael Patterson - EMDR trainer
Therese McGoldrick, - EMDR and EFT trainer
Anne Baring - author of, The myth of the goddess
Sr Frances Dominica Ritchie - book - Just my reflection
Vidyamala Burch - author of, Living well with pain and illness Rumi,
Chris Luttichau - author of, Calling us home
Bessel van der Kolk - author of, the body keeps the score
Marshall Rosenberg - author of, Non violent communication
Linda Fitch - shamanic healing trainer
Roshi Joan Halifax - author of, Power of Compassion
Jordan Peterson - author of, Maps of Meaning
Pat Ogden - author of, Sensorimotor psychotherapy
Peter Levine - author of, Waking the tiger,
Chimamanda Adichie - author of, Dear Ijeawele,
Andy Hunt, - EFT and NLP trainer
Wilf Proudfoot - Hypnotherapy trainer
JK Rowling,
Dan Segal - author of, Mindsight
Janina Fisher - author of, Healing the fragmented selves of trauma survivors